Use a Webhook to Automate Data Transfer
With a Webhook, Rally Congress will POST data to a URL when a new supporter is added to your Rally Congress database. This automates the process of moving data from Rally Congress to your organization's database or a 3rd party email provider. (For a Webhook to work, you will need to have software that can process and store the incoming data from Rally Congress.)
To create a Webhook, select “Webhook” under the “Account” dropdown menu in the right corner of the control panel dashboard.
You can then create a new Webhook. Give it a name and enter your valid processing URL that will receive the POST containing data. This URL should point to your servers, database software, or email software, and going forward this URL will receive POSTS with new supporter data.
Mapped Data Name/Value Pairs
The Webhook POST contains supporter data in name/value pairs. In the control panel you can edit the name of each data item so that it is appropriate for your application. For example, the default name for a supporter's first name is “firstname”, which can be edited to a different value for your application. For example, your database might instead require a data field named “fname” so you can edit your Webhook accordingly.
Hard Coded Name/Value Pairs
In addition to passing supporter data from the database, you can create fixed name/value pairs for your Webhook. For example, you might want the Webhook to pass some credential for your third party system, or a custom source tag for your Rally Congress data.
Securing The Webhook
Your destination URL can be either HTTP or HTTPS; for security we recommend a SSL-enabled url.
By design, the destination URL endpoint can be accessed by anyone online, so try to keep your URL private.
For addition security, we recommend including a secret name/value pair, which we will pass with each POST. To do this select "Edit" your POST Values, then "+ Add Name/Value Pair". On the subsequent "Add" page, enter your secret field's name and value in the Option 2 form.
You can then run a test to check for that name/value parameter in your scripts or application setup that is receiving the Webhook data.
Multiple Attempts
If your processing URL is unavailable or takes too long to respond (more than 15 seconds), we'll cancel the request and try again later. Retries happen at increasing intervals over the course of one hour and 30 minutes.